Feeling Impressed

I’ve had quite a busy weekend for me, but looking back two things I’ve done have left me feeling impressed with myself!

Last Tuesday was November 5th, Guy Fawkes. As I grew up Guy Fawkes was always a big event, we hardly noticed the passing of Halloween and very rarely ever dressed up. My parents didn’t like the idea of trick or treating so we never participated in that and I have to say nether did most of the kids around us either. But on the closest Saturday to the 5th we would pool all our fireworks with those of our cousins’s and have a big party, either in our garden or their’s. In the early years we always had a bonfire too with a hapless guy perched on top, but later years saw our parents becoming more proud of their garden and so the bonfires stopped. Or maybe they just had second thoughts about the idea of burning an effigy of Mr. Fawkes in our garden! They were great times though, wrapped up tight against the cold, twirling sparklers in the air, making glowing pictures that hung magically in front of your eyes, before fading away in time for you to replace them with more swirly designs.

Over the years health and safety has stepped in, and my children were taken to safe, organised displays instead. I think some of the magic has disappeared with this much safer alternative, or maybe it’s just me getting old! And so on Friday night we visited a local pub, who had organised a massive bonfire and a great firework display in a field next to their car park. It had rained all day so the bonfire was fairly wet and took a bit of getting going. Once it was burning well they set off the fireworks which unfortunately were positioned beyond the fire and so the smaller ones were obscured by the smoke billowing from the damp burning wood. I took out my Iphone and started to photograph the first few fireworks, but then deciding this was probably silly as they surely wouldn’t come out on my phone stopped and just enjoyed the spectacle.

Smoky Bonfire

Smoky Bonfire

Later when home in the warm, I looked at the pictures I’d taken and was very impressed at the results! The effect of the fireworks behind the smoke cloud produced some amazing pictures.


There are more on Pinterest if your interested!

The second thing I did that left me feeling very impressed with myself happened on Sunday morning. Once a month my archery club organises a field shoot. We are lucky enough to have the use of a spinney and stretch of abandoned railway line. We have some very enthusiastic members who have devised some interesting and very difficult targets. One of the hardest to hit has to be done by shooting your arrow from around 15 yards away down a very narrow tube set in the centre of a target, so that it then flies out the end and hits another target set up behind. I have never seen it done and only a few of our archers have actually achieved it.

Impossible Shot!

Impossible Shot!

So when I stood lining myself up for this shot on Sunday morning, I was already resigned to the fact I wasn’t going to be scoring on this particular target. Maybe because I wasn’t trying ‘too’ hard or maybe through shear fluke my arrow sailed clean down the tube and embedded itself in the target behind. I spent the rest of the morning in a state of shock I can tell you.

So all in all an impressive weekend! I hope you all had fun this weekend too. 😀

I Was Conned!!

I like to think I’m fairly savvy and wouldn’t be fooled that easily, but I have to admit that my local pet shop may have conned me!

As you may know I have a crested gecko living with me, and despite being told he should only eat puréed fruit I know he loves small insects.

IMG_0246 (2)

So as a treat I often buy him a box of silent crickets.

Box of Crickets

He loves these and can move surprisingly fast when I let a couple go in his vivarium!

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But here lies the problem, it’s not that easy to get the crickets out of the box and into the vivarium one at a time (there can be 30 or more in a box!). As a result occasionally one manages to escape! I try not to think about these small bugs that might be hopping around my house, but over the last couple of weeks I’ve not been able to. Why? Because the pet shop lied to me when they told me they were SILENT crickets!! The last one to escape is not silent at all! The little b**** has been making constant chirpy cricket noises and for a small fellow he can make a very loud noise!


He is so small, that so far he’s managed to evade capture and keeps up a constant reminder of his presence in my home. I’m nowjust a bit worried about how big he may grow!

Paperback Proof!

Look what I had come in the post!!!


Finally the paperback proof for Wicked Game has arrived and I’m thrilled with it! As you can see it looks great and I am pleased to announce I have okayed it, so it should be available to buy on Amazon and all other good book shops any time now!!

Orangeberry Trick or Treat

I am really excited to be taking part in Orangeberry Book Tours Trick or Treat event! I will be featured first tomorrow on Pandora Poikilos’ blog Peace from Pieces were she will be doing a book feature on Vortex! and then on the following 5 days I will be featured in interviews and listing my top 10 Halloween favourites all to tie in with Halloween! Here’s a list of where I’ll be appearing: 

23rd October – Book Feature at Peace from Pieces

24th October – Author’s Top 10 at Mommy Adventures

25th October – Author Interview at Bunnys Review

26th October – Author Interview at The Book Connoisseur

27th October – Book Feature at Gimme the Scoop

28th October – Twitter Blast with Pandora Poikilos

There are all together 51 books feature by 47 different authors check them out here! There are a wide variety of books from all genres so something for everyone! There’s also a competition for a Kindle Fire!! and loads of book giveaways so get yourself over there and check it out!!

Then on the 13th of November I’m being interviewed by the lovely Kriss Morton on her Cabin Goddess blog. She is doing a set of interviews with some of the authors taking part in the Trick or Treat Tour, there will be delicious recipes too! She’s calling it Make Mine an Orangeberry. It’s going to be loads of fun so please remember to drop by!  😀